WP1 Establishment/restructuring of Faculties/degree courses
Detailed list of deliverables: By end of Task 1.1 Task 1.1.1. One assessment report of existing university education capacities in the CEMAC countries is available (available on the LIVE website) Task 1.1.2. One list of existing courses, education and research facilities is available (available on LIVE website-database ) By end of Task 1.2 Task 1.2.1. One plan for the most suitable organization of university departments and didactic infrastructures for research supporting education is adopted (available on LIVE website-database ) Task 1.2.2. One set of guidelines for the restructuring or construction of education facilities is available : this part has not been sufficiently performed. Some argument can be drawn from the report referred to in paragraph 1 of the Final Report present on the website. By end of Task 1.3 Task 1.3.1. One report on qualified local companies to be associated for on-the-job training is available. (available on the LIVE website) Task 1.3.2. One pilot program for university-company cooperation, including standard agreement forms is operational (download) Task 1.3.3. One methodological note for the association to the education network of academic and non-academic external expertises, including the model-agreements for their association is available (download) By the end of Task 1.4 Task 1.4.1. One report on existing organisational structures and procedures (administrative staff) is available (available on LIVE website-database ) Task 1.4.2. One set of guidelines for the adoption of ECTS system and procedures is available (click here) - Working activity on ECTS in Libreville an Yaoundè (download)
WP2 Establishment of the didactic curricula
Detailed list of deliverables: By the end of Task 2.1: Task 2.1.1. One set of guidelines for the adoption of Bologna/ECTS education is available (download) By the end of Task 2.2. Task 2.2.1. One set of curricula studiorum in veterinary medicine is adopted (download) By the end of Task 2.3. Task 2.3. 1. One set of curricula studiorum in animal production sciences is adopted (download) By the end of Task 2.4. Task 2.4.1. A complete set of curriculum studiorum in hygiene and animal health is adopted (download)
WP3 - Planning and management of post graduate training Systems
Detailed list of deliverables: By end of Task 3.1. Task 3.1.1. One program for a Master Degree in Food Safety is adopted. (download) By the end of Task 3.2. Task 3.2.1. One program for short courses and thematic seminars (continuous training) is adopted. (download) By the end of Task 3.3. Task 3.3.1. One program for mobility of graduates (continuous training and specialisation): activity not fully completed. See also Activity 1 of the Final Report. By the end of Task 3.4. Task 3.4.4. One program for training in Biotechnology Applied to Diagnostic Activity in Food Safety is adopted. (download). See also Activity 2.
WP4 - Setting of a Network between Universities and similar Higher Institutions Educations.
Detailed list of deliverables: By the end of Task 4.1. Task 4.1.1. Seven LIVE info units (3 existing, 4new) are operational: activity not fully completed. See Activity 4 of the Final Report. By the end of Task 4.2. Task 4.2.1. One program for valorization of HR is adopted: this part has not been sufficiently carried out for little commitment of the coordinator of the task. See also Activity 5 of the Final Report. By the end of Task 4.3. Task 4.3.1. One program for the training of trainers is adopted (download): see Activity 6 of the Final Report. By the end of Task 4.4. Task 4.4.1. One LIVE database is online and accessible (available on the LIVE website) By the end of Task 4.5. Task 4.5.1. Project website is online (http://www.edulink.uniud.it) Task 4.5.2. One set of promotional materials (including leaflets, brochures, posters, etc.) (download)
WP5 – Coordination and Management.
Detailed list of deliverables: Task 1.5.1. One update workplan for the project implementation (operational working guidelines); (available on the LIVE website) Task 2.5.2. One set of procedures for the project administration, monitoring and evaluation. (available on the LIVE website) Task 3.5.3. One set of meeting minutes. (available on the LIVE website) Task 4.5.4. One set of evaluation reports. (download) Task 5.5.5. One set of technical and financial reports. (available on the LIVE website)